Greetings everyone, in this post I am going to provide you some " Hacks " that might help you during your college time , when you are 🕷️: FAR FROM HOME 😁. I hope that you will find these tips useful and entertaining. Let's begin. #1 Start a hobby. This will keep you busy and you will get more time to invest on yourself. Remember "an empty mind is a 😈 workplace". Most of the people complain , during later stages of their life, that they did not get much time to spend upon themselves. #2 Invest in yourself. Remember that your small investment at present will bring rewards with increased rates of interest in the future. #3 Start chasing your AIM from the first day of your college. You will have to work hard to become what you think, you will be in next 6-10 years. The competition is .... If you won't, you will find yourself struggling during final year of your graduation. #4 Be different from others . Life is like a 🐀 ra...