
Showing posts from December, 2019


Click Here to go to Download Page!! #chemfinity #PE Perfect Engineers PWA(Progressive Web Application) is available for download as an android app. Follow the above given instructions. — Samhita Joshi (@JoshiSamhita) June 2, 2020

GitHub 101

GitHub is a Version Control System or in simple words it is used to keep track of changes that you have done to your code once you have uploaded the code. It keeps you informed you of the changes that you have commited to your code. Other people can also contribute to your code or get inspired from your code. Your code is hosted using GitHub on Git which is a useful OSS. It is broadly used for Open Source Software development purposes but can be used for other purposes as well. Do a quick research from your side on Git. You must also search "Basic Terminologies of GitHub" on the search engine. GitHub personal plan initially didn't include Private repositories but now it does. Feel free to ask your queries. If you found the video useful, share it with others. Drop down a comment if you want another detailed video. You can even host your website on GitHub using GitHub Pages. Regards Samhita Joshi

Oscillations and Waves Prefinal


Machine Drawing Prefinal 1+2 Combined


Must Follow Resources for B.Tech Freshers

@PEP Greetings Everyone. I was hoping to write this post for a long time. Finally the day has ARRIVED.  In this post I will be sharing some resources (subject-wise) which would of great help to you in preparation of University Examinations. This post has been especially written for B.Tech Freshers. This post also contains links to awesome YouTube channels which one must follow.  Here we GO : Engineering Mathematics  Engineering Drawing Introduction to C Programming Basic Electrical Engineering Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry Basics of English Communication Industrial Sociology Introduction to Environmetal Engineering and Disaster Management Workshop Practices and Manufacturing Technology Engineering Mathematics 1.  Dr. Gajendra Purohit 2.  Easy Maths Easy Tricks 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dennis G. Zill 4. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal Engineering Drawing 1....

Organic Chemistry by M.S. Chauhan

Here is the required link. Regards Samhita Joshi

Data Structures Prefinal 2

Maximum Marks : 20 Write functions to insert a node:- At the beginning At the end After a given node In a sorted linked list. 2. Write functions to perform delete operations in circular linked List : Delete last node. Delete first node. 3. Write a program to create a doubly linked list.

Formal Languages and Automata Theory Prefinal 2
