Google Colaboratory: Benefits and Limitations

If you have ever wished to run a Python program, even if you do not have Python installed on your computer system, you could, anytime, run it on some website like . There are many more websites that offer this service, but if you already have a Google Account, you can use it to run your Python program(s), using GOOGLE COLABORATORY . You do not have to setup/install Python in your computer system for this method to work. You can use it to share source code for your program or build a machine learning model (this is the most popular used case) or run your Python program online. Colab hosts your programs in the form of Jupyter Notebooks and allows you to directly share a link to your notebook(aka program(s)), just as you would do for sharing a file using Google Drive. The code is saved inside a folder named "Colab Notebooks" in your Google Drive. Colab allows users to use and share Jupyter Notebooks with others without having to setup/install anything....